baah/Arm's Tech |
Here are some 'drawings' i made as Dracula/PoSiTivity some years ago, just to lower the average quality of the website. Yep, i'm better at coding than drawing, but no need to complain, you have no choice!
All gfx were made using NeoChrome or the fabulous Master version (registered! Hi Chaos Inc.), except 'Beans' made with Brilliance on Amiga & 'Alain' made with GreyStroke on Acorn, a homebrew program which uses kinematics formulaes to smooth the mouse movements: who needs a gfx tablet?
baah-Alain.gif - 854 bytes
baah-Beans.gif - 3458 bytes
baah-Faces.gif - 3220 bytes
baah-FacesOutline0.gif - 8219 bytes
baah-FacesOutline1.gif - 8625 bytes
baah-FortyTwo.gif - 10413 bytes
baah-MafiAmiga.gif - 4244 bytes
baah-Nours.gif - 3394 bytes
baah-NoursSketch0.gif - 3797 bytes
baah-NoursSketch1.gif - 3714 bytes
baah-NoursSketch2.gif - 4041 bytes
baah-PoSiTivity.gif - 1349 bytes
baah-SatanicFace.gif - 524 bytes
baah-Sinoc.gif - 8389 bytes
baah-VirtualGame0.gif - 8565 bytes
baah-VirtualGame1.gif - 4232 bytes
baah-VirtualGame2.gif - 2071 bytes
baah-VirtualGame3.gif - 10077 bytes
baah-VirtualGame4.gif - 5596 bytes