;714 decimals of sqrt(2), by Alain Brobecker on 1999nov11. ;Made using GreyStroke (homebrew drawing program using kinematics formulaes), ;SockZ (homebrew language able to handle big integers) and Zap (text editor). 1.414 213562373 09504 88016887242096980 785696718753769 4807 31766797379907324784621070388503875343276415727350138462309 1229 702492483605585073721264412149709993583 14132 2266 59275 0559 27557 9995 0501 15278 2060 5714 7010 9559 97160 5970 27453 4596 8620 14728 517 4186 4088 9198 6095 5232 92304 8430 87143214508 3976 260362 799525 1407 98968 7253 3965 4633 1808 8296 40620 6152 5835 2395 0547 4575 0287 7599 61729 83557 52203 3753 18570 1135 43746 0340 8498 8471 60386 8999 7069 90048 15030 5440 2779 0316 4542 4782 3068 4929 36918 62158 0578 46311 15 96668 71301 30156 1856 8987 2372 35288 5092 6486 1249 49771 5421 8334 2042 856860 6014 68247 2077 14358 5487 41556 5706 96776537 20226 4854 4701 585880162075847 4922 6572 2600 2085584466521458398 89394 43709 2659 180 0311388246 46815 7082 6301005 948587040 03186480 3421948 972782 9064