Successive squares and cubes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Alain Brobecker (aka baah/Arm's Tech) ( or rte de Dardagny; 01630 CHALLEX; FRANCE) This trick i found in an iterative Bezier drawing routine by Jan Vlietinck (Jan/BASS), provided without comments (as usual, isn't it Jan? ;). ----[ Successive squares ]------------------------------------------------------ Suppose we want to compute the successive squares: 0^2, 1^2, 2^2, 3^2... Let's consider the formulae (k+1)^2=k^2+2*k+1. We know k^2 from the previous iteration, and 2*k+1 can easily be computed by adding 2 at each iteration: square=0 increment=1 FOR k=0 TO 15 PRINT k;"^2=";square square+=increment increment+=2 NEXT Just fine, but squares of integer quantities are not that usefull, we prefer something like 0^2, 0.1^2, 0.2^2, 0.3^2... Let "step" be the increment of the quantity to square (0.1 in our example). To compute squares of k*step we notice that ((k+1)*step)^2=(k*step)^2+(2*k+1)*step^2. Again (k*step)^2 comes from last iteration and (2*k+1)*step^2 can be computed incrementally: step=0.1 square=0 inc1=step^2 inc2=2*inc1 FOR k=0 TO 10 PRINT "(";k*step;")^2=";square square+=inc1 inc1+=inc2 NEXT ----[ Practical implementation ]------------------------------------------------ Some algorithms (such as iterative Bezier curves) consider a quadratic polynomial P(x)=a2*x^2+a1*x+a0 and need successive values of P(k/n) where 0<=k<=n. So we have P(0)=a0 and we remark that: P((k+1)/n)=a2*((k+1)/n)^2+a1*(k+1)/n+a0 =a2*(k/n)^2+a1*k/n+a0+a2*(2*k+1)/n^2+a1/n =P(k/n)+a2*(2*k+1)/n^2+a1/n As usual we know P(k/n) and the rest can be computed incrementally, with the following program: value=a0 inc1=a2/n^2+a1/n inc2=2*a2/n^2 FOR k=0 TO n PRINT "P(";k/n;")^2=";value value+=inc1 inc1+=inc2 NEXT Now let's think a bit about a pure assembly version. To achieve high speed we will of course use fixed point values to implement the 1/n and 1/n^2 stuff. Moreover if we choose n=2^m we can perform EXACT calculii, because arithmetics tells us the binary development of k/n^2 is then finite in base 2. So, in the following program "value" contains P((k/n)^2)<<2*m, where the "<<" stands for a logical shift left (LSL): n=2^m value=a0<<(2*m) inc1=a2+(a1<