STart |
The Galleries: 16 colors only, and yet they made maSTerpieces. |
AgentT/Cream: 24 images baah/Arm's Tech: 19 horrors Babar/Future Minds: 4 images Cyclone/Troll: 2 images Dieu/HeMoroiDs: 11 images EDO/Sector1: 20 images ES/TEX: 13 images Gogo/TCB: 13 images GoldFinger/PolterGeist: 4 images Graf/LuZak tEam: 15 images Havoc/FUN: 6 images Jovis/Zuul: 5 images Kid/Next: 3 images Krazy Rex/ST CNX: 7 images Lancelot/Aggression: 13 images Mic/Dune: 36 images mOdmate/CheckPoint: 23images MoN/Oxygene: 19 images |
Niko/MJJ: 91 images Nova/Equinox: 8 images PeGaSe/Adrenaline: 8 images Phan/NGC: 8 images PoSiTiViTy: 17 images Red/Omega: 3 images Spaz/TLB: 43 images Spiral/Oxygene: 16 images ST Survivor/Loud: 19 images Tanis/TCB: 13 images Utne/Extacy:4 images Jocelyn Valais: 16 images Wilfried/MJJ: 3 images Zappy/Holocaust: 23 images Guest: exo7/JFF, 51 images Unknown: 31 images Various: 50 images |
The Articles: 16 colors only, but ages ago gfx men were also coders (et vice-versa). |
Color Flipping: more than 512/4096 tints on a ST/STe. List of artiSTs: with pseudonyms and real names. |
The News: 16 colors only, and i don't know how to finish that STupid sentence. ;) |
2002jul??: +134 images! Too numerous to list. 2002feb??: Niko+=39; Phan+=8; STS+=1; Unknown+=6; Utne+=4; Various+=7 2001aug03: Edo+=6; exo7+=20; Graf-=1; KrazyRex+=2; Unknown+=1; Various+=8. 2001jun28: exo7+=1; mOdmate+=5; Spaz+=8; STS+=1; Tanis+=6; Unknown+=1. 2000aug05: exo7+=17; Mic+=11; Various+=6. 2000may27: Mic+=6; mOd=17; Spaz+=16; Tanis+=1; Zappy+=13. 2000may13: Mic+=3; ST Survivor=17; Various+=3; Zappy=6. 2000may08: EDO+=3; Graf=16; Gogo+=3; Havoc=5; Various-=2; Wilfried=3. 2000apr??: AgentT+=3; EDO+=2. 2000apr08: ES+=9; Gogo+=9; Mic+=1; MoN+=2; Spiral+=1; various-=1. 2000feb20: MoN+=9; Niko-=1; Spiral+=11; No more jpegs! 2000feb06: EDO+=2; Spaz+=10. 2000jan29: Niko+=15; AgentT+=18; added artiSTs list. 2000jan01: Additions too numerous to list (+33 images). 1999dec31: Additions too numerous to list (+13 images). 1999dec30: Site STarted (119 images). |
Visit this places for more STart. |
Online artiSTs: EDO/Sector1 aka Philippe Van Meenen Exocet/JFF Flan/Bomb aka David Delattre Havoc aka Peter van Rijn mOd/tSCc aka Torsten Keltsch Spaz/TLB aka David Moss ST Survivor/Loud aka Sébastien Larcan Other atari people: Aura Cream HQ Cybernetics Dead Hacker Society Equinox Fantasy Leonard/Oxygene STNICCC 2000 The Thalion Webshrine! by Alexander Holland General #pixel GFX-Zone Home for the GrafX 2 program, along with X-Man gallery |
Help Wanted: |
- Maybe you own/have created other ST maSTerpiece that are not yet on this site. - Corrections of author/title of a picture, or the author's real name... - Authors' comments upon their work, fave tools, etc, are welcome. - Any idea that crosses your dirty mind? - Oh, btw, i'm also looking for NeoChrome versions working under PaCifiST. |