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Programs by Alain Brobecker (aka baah/Arm's Tech).

Choose one of the categories above to view/download my productions.

Portable programs
ffen2tex v1.00 (487Kb)tool to create square grid diagrams in TeXc2012-2024pdf
Baggi Box (4Kb)tool to create patterns for Baggi Boxes (outputs a LaTeX file)c2023janpdf
PolyminoToOpenSCAD (120Kb)tool to create polymino pieces for OpenSCADc2019-2020html
fab (120Kb)to create and manipulate images.c2011sep01html
Square Control (64Kb)tools to find "Add Unit(s)" recordsc2011marchpdf
Slidings (8Kb)creates "slidings" problemsc2010nov08pdf
Dobble (9Kb)creates a card set with one and only one common symbol between 2 cardsc2010aug13pdf
Inegalites (63Kb)creates grids with inegalities that must be filledc2010mar??pdf
8pawns (36Kb)program to check chess pawns structuresc2010jan27
rxr (243Kb)fairy chess endgames with squares removedc2009aug24
LouZy77 (107Kb)C+Arm version of my LouZy77 packer (in progress)c2009may03
rsg (57Kb)a Random Sentence Generator in c, and some simple grammar files.c2009jan07
Mate PG (855Kb)to search problems in chess variants.c2008aug17
bf2l33t (69Kb)a tool to translate between brainf*ck and l33t programming languages.c2008jul26text
Apocalypse (40Kb)to play the game of apocalypse.c2008jan??
Othello (83Kb)computes statistics and retrograde analysis problems about Othello.c2007dec??
Magline (107Kb)solver for the "magline" game (created by my friend Didier Faradji).c2006sep??
BoNDaReNKo (70Kb)to create Bondarenko like chess problems.c2006aug??
Misc C progs (56Kb)small C progs, usefull or not...c2006may??
MkDiag (28Kb)Html preprocessor for chess diagramsc2005may??html
SockZ v2.alpha (10Kb)C version of SockZ v2.0 (in progress)c2005?????html
bait (22Kb)programming game (in progress)c2004aug??
msr (42Kb)program to make Multiple Search & Replace in filesc2004nov20
gciel (40Kb)solver for the "gratte-ciel" gamec2004aug26html
rxr (238Kb)to play chess endings "perfectly"c2004may21
frcpos (11Kb)to create the 960 start positions for Fischer's Random Chessc2003jun06
gozo (5Kb)java version of bOIng's funny mechanicsjava2002nov??snap
Tok (50Kb)tokenise a BBC basic file on m$do$c1999oct15

Demos for Acorn computers
bOIng (3Kb)1Kb, some funny mechanicsarc2000oct09snap
Worship (79Kb)32Kb, spermatozoons & bicubic delta plasmarpc2000jul27snap
WishUWereBeer (66Kb)32Kb, bubbles & biquadratic plasmarpc2000jun03snap
NZCVdemo (7Kb)1Kb, french flag with 3FXsarc2000apr16snap
ShadDots (5Kb)1Kb, shadeDotsarc2000jan29snap
Fishy (12Kb)rotozoom with RGB traineerpc2000may01snap
pArAnOId (6Kb)1Kb, dancing lines & waving computed texturearc1999jul14snap
WimpLife (8Kb)wimp version of the life gamearc1999jul14snap
StarInfo (14Kb)various programs for *infoarc1999jan06
BiZoom (20Kb)example of bilinear zoomarc1999jan06snap
EnvMap (62Kb)example of environment mappingarc1999jan06snap
Damn!Wimp (38Kb)wimp version of damn!arc1997apr16
Old FXs (254Kb)Old FXs for demos, some cool onesarc1994-??snap
Textures (80Kb)Algorithms & code for generating texturesarc1994-??snap
Old 3d (175Kb)Old 3d demos and routines, some cool onesarc1994-1997snap
IntroCR2 (22Kb)3Kb, rotozoom of a nice computed texturearc1996oct??snap
3dStars (6Kb)1Kb, starfield with trainee & spritearc1996sep??
Damn! (106Kb)40Kb, crashing logo & 3d worldarc1996sep??snap
IntroCR (23Kb)3Kb, weird letters & nice computed texturearc1996jun??snap
CakeHead2 (177Kb)zoomer, bubbles, randomly shaded splinesarc1996feb??snap
RaySA (8Kb)phong tracing on spheresrpc1995nov??snap

Games for Acorn computers
Old Games (170Kb)various unfinished gamesarc2003nov20snap
Daleks (3Kb)1Kb version of the classic Daleks gamearc2000apr29
zOArcnOId (4Kb)1Kb stupid version of Arcanoidarc1996sep29snap

Tools & weirdies for Acorn computers
SockZ 1.3Stack Oriented Calculus Kernel in Zarc 2004may28html
Rip Tools (156Kb)Tools used to rip Gfx for STartarc1998dec24
Jack+Knife (37Kb)Gfx ripping util and sprite cutterarc2003nov23
Old Tools (90Kb)Some old tools, interesting or not...arc2003nov23
LouZy77 (25Kb)Preview of my LouZy lz77 packerarc2001jul15
BrainF (7Kb)252 bytes BrainF*ck interpreterarc2001jul02
npk (14Kb)Nibble packer for small programsarc2000sep03
sqrt2 (8Kb)780 bytes utility to compute 1.414213562373095048801...arc2000jun01
rex (2Kb)recursive *EX commandarc2000may21
GreyStroke (20Kb)Drawing tool using kinematics to simulate handwritingarc2000feb13
CUNT (32Kb)Clean Up Nasty Text (LF+CR, spaces...)arc1999aug18
SIC (10Kb)504 bytes emulator for a weird Single Instruction Computerarc1999aug07html
emul6502 (44Kb)emulator for MOS6502 processorarc 1999apr??
asm6502 (17Kb)cross assembler for MOS6502 processorarc1998aug26
Useless (7Kb)set directory, change mode, display hour & memory rpc1998aug20
UnCrunch (6Kb)depack files packed with !Cruncharc1997sep08

Other systems
GreyStroke (56Kb)Drawing tool using kinematics to simulate handwritingwindows2014apr??
DownFallremix of the game Man Goes Down by Axel Herbertwindows2011oct03html
Happy 2009 (33kb)A nicely designed BrainF* program to wish a happy new year on pouet.netBF*2008dec31text
MSRw (42Kb)Windows frontend for MSR, by Dominique Brobeckerwin2005jul27
SockZ 1.3 do$Stack Oriented Calculus Kernel in Z (emulated)do$2004may28html
mdump (2Kb)joy controlled memory dumperc642000may21
LodeOk (11Kb)hacked single file version of the c64 gamec642000apr22snap
STTools (4Kb)lousy ST toolsSTf1996jun19
Jack! (28Kb)gfx ripping tooldo$1995nov25
KickMe (24Kb)4Kb demo, fractal & colliding ballsdo$1995jul31snap

Alien stuff
TRSI Street Fighter 2 (16Kb)Gouraud floyd shading by TRSISTf???????snap
Fave 256b demos (200Kb)Wow, only 256 demos and they rocks!do$???????snap
killer (34Kb)2 intros by Killer/Next Empiredo$00?????snap
bas2txt (47Kb)BBC Basic to text converter, not perfect but okdo$1999feb07
Xasm 2.07 (25Kb)cross assembler by eXoTiCorn/ICeBirdarc1999sep11
cc1 (400Kb)all entries of CodeCraft #1arc1999jul24snap
cr1k.zip (20Kb)entries of Coder's Revenge 1Kb contestarc1996sep??snap
Trackman (13Kb)Nice way to draw Mandelbrot/Julia fractals!arc1994????snap
arm2emu.zip (103Kb)ARM2 emulator + src by Edwin Dorredo$1997?????
Crush Your Mind (383Kb)demo by SpearHead/pOsItIvItYSTf???????snap
Willy (111Kb)demos by SpearHead/pOsItIvItYSTf???????snap
Waiting the zik disk (332Kb)demo by Kasar/pOsItIvItYSTe???????snap
OutBurst (64Kb)64k demo by Garry Copper/MentASMaga1996nov03snap
FloodLand (5Kb)bbs-intro by Garry Copper/MentASMaga???????snap
FloodLand (14Kb)bbs-intro by Garry Copper/MentASMaga???????snap

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